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The Ultimate Subscription for Printables, Digital and KDP Sellers who want to MAKE their designs EASY.

Etsy is quickly becoming a Printables and Digital Paradise, and that is not all. It is profitable. You can make $2-$3k a month selling Printables,  the other day in my mastermind, we analyzed an Etsy store with almost a million dollars in sales from a digital agenda.  It is crazy!!


1. Low cost to Entry.

2. Easy to scale

3. No Shipping and Handling

4. No Returns

5. Immediate delivery and customer satisfaction.But the most important one… ANYONE CAN DO IT!!!

The beautiful thing about Printables is that you can also sell them as KDP Books or on other Websites like Teachers pay teachers or Creative Fabrica. It is very easy to scale a business.

You can also create bundles or variations by simply editing your files.

This Month's Package!


You are a Newbie in the World of Printables and Print on Demand

One thing newcomers to the industry face is the not knowing what to sell. These templates are not meant to be used "as is" but they will help you get started on creating your new unique products and bundles.

You are Making Sales but Aren't Making Enough to Live Your Dreams.

Your stores are making sales but these sales just come to far apart from each other. You can count with your fingers how many sales you got the past few days. The Club can help you solve your lack of sales by helping you increase your Printables portfolio.

You are a Great Designer But You Just Don't Have Time to Come Up with New Ideas.

Finding New Product ideas is one of the main reasons why stores fail to evolve. Sometimes we just go around in circles chasing the same ideas. The Club will help you think outside your comfort zone by providing you templates you haven't thought of thereby allowing you to focus on design

Your Stores Lack Consistency Because You are Out of Ideas.

You have a store but upload new products once in a blue moon because you cannot come up with new ideas. We know Etsy loves consistency for example. Here we can help you have products to upload on a consistent basis.

Monthly Basic

Cancel Subscription Any Time
$ 19
First Month then $19.97
  • Monthly Package access
  • Access to Free Facebook Group

Quarterly Deal

Cancel Subscription Any Time
$ 49
Then $49.97 every 3 Months
  • Monthly Package access
  • 3 Month access of the Design Club
  • Access to Free Facebook Group

Yearly Subscription

2 Months FREE with this option
$ 199
Per Year
  • 12 Months for the cost of 10 months
  • Extra 2 Free of our older packages
  • Basic options included

The Club is a monthly membership program.  Every month you will receive a fully editable design package and access to the group training. 

All the templates are done either on Canva or Powerpoint.  All the illustrations are done on illustrator but you will get transparent PNGs.  Sometimes we add templates using excel but not often. 

You can NOT sell the packs as they are. 

You can edit them any way you want. 

The contents of the package have to be no more than 75% of your finished product. This is not a white label product, you cannot resell this product as is. 

Inside of your members area, you will have a link to join our private Facebook group as well as a way to email the admin team. 

ANNUAL MEMBERS: Your annual membership subscription starts today. You will be automatically charged $249.70  USD (inclusive of VAT) yearly until you cancel your subscription. Because you’re receiving access to downloadable products, previous charges won’t be refunded when you cancel.

MONTHLY MEMBERS: Your monthly membership subscription starts today. You will be automatically charged the monthly billing you chose:  $24.97  OR   29.97  USD (inclusive of VAT) every every month until you cancel your subscriptions. Because you’re receiving access to downloadable products, previous charges won’t be refunded when you cancel.

Refunds & Cancellations: Due to the downloadable nature of the Printables Design Club®, we cannot offer refunds on your purchase. All sales are final. However, if you have any problems or feedback, email us at [email protected]

Note that while due to regulations, EU buyers have the right to return an item within 14 days of receiving the item, this does not apply to digital content, especially when it’s been accessed. For this reason, our Printables Design Club™ is not eligible for return.

In the event that you cancel your membership (or your subscription payment fails), you will automatically lose access to ALL membership content, including previous collections (whether downloaded or not). We recommend you download the collections every month as they drop in your membership area.

The Ultimate Subscription for Printables, Digital and KDP Sellers who want to MAKE their designs EASY.